Project Description

Client Location:
Las Vegas, Nevada
When Dan Brady was ready to have a website built to support his new freight dispatch service business, he reached out to Prism.
Having seen what I had done for Alao Dispatch, he wanted a similar three-page basic website to promote his new business.
Home Page
He wanted the Home page to talk about what he could do for truck drivers. He wanted them to know that he would handle dealing with freight brokers and all of the associated details that bog down drivers when they should be driving.
About Page
Dan's About page tells visitors a little bit about who Dan is.
Contact Page
The Brady Dispatch Contact page includes ways to reach Dan as well as a custom contact form.
Mobile Responsive Design
The mobile-responsive design feature automatically adjusts how the website is displayed depending on the screen resolution of the device you’re using to visit the website.
When viewed on a mobile phone, there is an optional Call Now feature at the bottom of the screen that prompts mobile visitors to call immediately.