Why Have a Website?
A website represents your virtual presence to the world and should reflect what your business is about and the services you offer. It is one of the parts of the sales funnel for your business.
The final stage of the sales funnel is your direct communication with potential clients, but before you can talk directly to them, they have to find you first.
Your website, along with the rest of the funnel, is your 24-hours a day, 7-days a week sales force. You want it to be attractive and welcoming to your market.

Website Design Service
Prism Enterprises has developed several websites for various types of businesses, non-profit organizations, as well as personal blogging.
Several of the business websites were developed in partnership with Digital Buzz Connection. Prism Enterprises also built Digital Buzz Connection’s website.
Website Components
Every website is comprised of several components. Which components your website should have is dependent upon the nature of your business and how your website fits into your overall marketing campaign.
Here are just a few of the components your website needs, followed by more specialized, optional components.
Basic Website Components
Home Page
Your website’s Home page is typically your primary landing page; it’s where most visitors start their journey on your website. The Home page should describe the services you offer and why your market should turn to you.
About Page
Your About page tells your story and what you’re about. This can be a much or as little as you want to say.
Including one or more quality photos of you or your team is a huge plus as it adds a face your business, letting potential clients feel they are dealing with a real person.

Contact Page
Your Contact page is dedicated to all of the ways potential clients can contact you. This can include your business phone number if you wish, along with your business social media accounts. One of the best ways to facilitate communication is a quality custom contact form.
Contact Form
A quality custom contact form allows potential clients to reach out to you for an inquiry without picking up the phone. It also allows you to focus on your current project without being interrupted by calls that may not turn into the next job. You can check your email later to see if you have any inquiries waiting for you.
Landing Pages
A landing page is a dedicated page on your website that a visitor is directed to after clicking on your ad, a marketing campaign link, or a search result. Its purpose is to encourage the visitor to take one specific action, such as purchasing, signing up for a newsletter, or filling out a contact form to connect with you.
Landing pages are designed to be highly focused and optimized for sales conversions and lead capture. Unlike a typical website page with different content and navigation options, a landing page directs the visitor’s attention toward a specific goal. As a result, landing pages can increase conversions and improve your online marketing campaign’s return on investment.
Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Your Content Goes Here
Mobile Friendly
A responsive, mobile friendly website is crucial to make it easy for potential customers to interact with your website on their mobile phone or tablet.